The status filter
From the Volunteers menu, click on a status to filter registrations:
Application (for assignments without a time slot only) : the employee has clicked on "Contact the coordinator".
Discussion (for assignments without a time slot only) : a message has been sent by the employee or by the coordinator of the association.
Search for a mentee : the coordinator has approved the application and will contact the volunteer shortly to suggest mentees matching his profile.
ℹ️ The search for a mentee is carried out directly with the organization, outside the platform. Once the volunteers has found a mentee, he must either return to the platform to update his status, or click on the ‘I've found a mentee’ button in the email received. His registration status will then change to In progress.
Dates to be confirmed : registration is awaiting validation from the initiative coordinator.
Awaiting manager's approval : if you have opted for manager validation for assignments during working time, he will then have to validate the registration of his employee from his e-mail box (no need to have an account).
In progress : registration is validated by the coordinator and the manager. The date of the initiative has not yet passed.
Awaiting confirmation : the date of the initiative has passed. The collaborator must validate his participation from the email he/she received at the end of the initiative, or by logging on directly to the platform (a pop-up will appear asking him/her to confirm participation or not).
Other participation statuses
To filter other registration statuses, click on Status , check one or more boxes, then on 🔍 :
Participated : the date of the mission has passed, the volunteer has validated his participation.
Cancelled/Declined : The registration was unsuccessful. For more information on cancellation reasons, download the Participations export.
Incomplete : (for missions without a time slot only) the registration has been archived after 6 months following the inactivity of the volunteer's registration for mentoring missions, and after 1 month for other types of initiatives (volunteering, skills, events...).
Attestation statuses
Attestation status
Awaiting confirmation: participation is confirmed by the employee. The organization or the company (on behalf of the organization) can confirm participation a second time.
Participation attested: participation is confirmed by the employee and the organization (or the company if it has the right to do so on behalf of the organization).
Participation contested: participation is not confirmed by the organization (or the company if it has the right to do so on behalf of the association).
Further information :
Attesting the participation will not give a paper document. Attesting the participation is the action of certifying the participation of the employee in the initiative
If the button to validate the employee's participation is not displayed:
either the mission is not dedicated to the company
either the partnership does not authorize the company to create missions on behalf of the association